Wednesday 29 May 2013

June 2013

To get your child started on your home computer, please follow these easy steps:


                      Go to

                      Enter your child's username and password that was emailed to you in the top right-hand corner and click Sign in.

(Note: the username and password is in your child’s agenda.


                      Navigate to your child's grade level on the Practice tab.

                      Find a skill to practice by doing one of the following:

          Select a specific skill to practice from the list of skills. You can place your mouse over any skill to see a sample question and click on the link to begin.

Click on the Awards tab. Each grade level presents challenges for your child to conquer and virtual prizes to be uncovered. Place your mouse over any challenge to begin.



Sunday 26 May 2013

May 27-31

Goal: improving critical and creative thinking and problem solving. (Many answers possible)

Selon toi, combien d’argent aurais-tu de besoin pour faire une fête ? Pourquoi?

* Numbers in the answer can be fictitious !

Friday 17 May 2013

May 21-24

Goal: improving critical and creative thinking and problem solving. (Many answers possible)


Selon toi, combien d’argent la classe amassera-t-elle pour le Cakewalk? Pourquoi? (How much money will the class raise for the cakewalk?)

Saturday 11 May 2013

May 13-17

Please choose the problem that you think best suits your child’s ability in Math.


Caitlin achète 4 boîtes de pastels. Une boîte coûte 13$. Combien d’argent Caitlin doit-elle avoir pour acheter les 3 boîtes ?

Caitlin achète 7 boîtes de pastels. Une boîte coûte 14.79$. Combien d’argent Caitlin doit-elle avoir pour acheter les 7 boîtes ?

Friday 3 May 2013

May 6-10

Please choose the problem that you think best suits your child’s ability in Math.

Mme achète 3 boîtes de livres. Une boîte coûte 24$. Combien d’argent Mme doit-elle avoir pour acheter les 3 boîtes ?


Mme achète 9 boîtes de livres Une boîte coûte 11.57$. Combien d’argent Mme doit-elle avoir pour acheter les 9 boîtes ?